My favourite subjects are the natural things around me from the New Zealand landscape, the seashore in general, sea and shore birds, native flowers and trees, and from the farming landscape - with so many sheep to choose from - as it is a large part of the New Zealand scene. I also like to include items from my garden.

The story of E7, a female godwit whose epic journey from Alaska to New Zealand was tracked worldwide became the source of a series of prints several years ago. Then in 2016 I became interested in the little NZ Black Robin that nearly became extinct but was rescued through the work of DOC and Old Blue, the female robin and is now off the endangered list. Recently in 2017 Tiritiri Matangi Island in the Hauraki Gulf has been the source of my inspiration, birds, native plants, butterflies and geckos that have found their way there or been transplanted for their preservation.
I spent most of 2018 looking further back to the huia, a bird last seen in 1907.
In 2022 I worked towards curating a major exhibition at Estuary Arts Centre in September that travelled to the Auckland Botanic Gardens in October. "Predator Free New Zealand 2050" was supported by over 30 local and NZ wide artists and by local groups focussing on trapping predators and restoring fauna to safe locations.
I am deeply concerned with the conservation of NZ flora and fauna, birds in particular, and will continue this focus while I can.
Planning for "Threatened" is underway for August - October 2025. This group exhibition with workshops will open at the Auckland Gardens and then move to Estuary Arts centre, Orewa.